This memory showed up for me today.
Every time it floats in
as memories will do
I find myself reflecting
Always healing.
Occasionally I write about it.
A Love Letter
Brooke Nicole, baby!!
Look at you!
Barely 18 years old by just a few days
Freshly engaged
a woman + mother + wife
before you had even started life
Back then you rhymed all your shit
Because lyrical spiritual heart’s breath
was your native tongue
And because back then
The driver of your ship was
gloriously young
Baby holding baby
The joys of your Soul
were simple + many
god + love + connection + Grace
Quite literally
Look at that other baby face
And Ohhh
Sweet bebe
My heart outside my body
That little girl
the one holding you
knew your Soul
before you knew you
Perfection incarnate
there in her arms
child turned mother
turned protector from harm
She did her best
As only she knew
to give space for expansion
to guard your heart
to be that safe haven + shelter
right from the start
And I feel her now
returning to me
The Childlike Princess
The Dreamer
The Muse
The one who stepped up
The one who was yours to choose
my Love
Light of the world
Welcome back,
welcome home.